Sunday, January 19, 2014

Kentucky: Where Education Pays

Kentucky, a land of bluegrass, amber bourbon and gorgeous
fine, fine women, too.
Here a UK football coach is worth $4 million &
a basketball coach (the state religion) is
worth $7 million, but
teachers are paid a lot less,
a whole lot less,
but this is Kentucky:

Where Education Pays.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Suzette's Song

You are my dream


                             You are the symphony

                             played but unheard.

                             You are the poem

                             without words.

                             You are my dream


© David Cooper 1/9/14

Monday, January 6, 2014

For Suzette

The September sky

is blue like

your eyes and

the leaves are

gold like your hair.

Do I dare to compare

you to this autumn day?


The blush and

burst of red, orange

and gold before

the snow& ice

and silent death.


Gifted are we

with one more

autumn &

all its beauty.

© David Cooper 1/2014


Wednesday, January 1, 2014




The bleak and blackened

coldburned winter trees

mirror the forlorn

and forgotten heart

of mine

which is in winter, too.

The brown and brittle

frost dried branches



fall to

the hard

& frozen ground.

A touch, a smile,

a caress could—

from her—

melt the ice

and bring the spring,

but all lies frozen

and dead in

this ninth circle

of hell.

© David L. Cooper/ January 1, 2014